BJP’s national vice-president Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, who was appointed by party president Amit Shah to supervise the municipal elections, held a closed-door meeting on Thursday with party veterans such as V. Mr Arya, Mr Bhaj, and Mr Chandla have represented the BJP in the Assembly in the past. Chandla, Harcharan Singh Balli, Mewa Ram Arya, Ram Bhaj, and Praveen Khandelwal."In the meeting we discussed our party’s strategy for the next three days which also includes reaching out to all the sections of the society.K."It came to the notice of the central leadership that there is a Modi wave across the country, including the national capital. But in the last leg of the campaigning, a decision has been made to call these experienced leaders to help the party in the triangular contest," he added.According to party sources, senior most councillor Subhash Arya and former Delhi Congress chief Arvinder Singh Lovely, who joined the BJP days ago in the presence of Mr Shah and other senior leaders, were also present in the meeting.New Delhi: After getting adverse report from the grassroots level workers, the BJP has roped in its old guards, who were sidelined by the state leadership for the coming civic polls. But there are factors which is stopping it in the city," said a party leader.Prof Malhotra is one of the founding member s of the party. Malhotra, P.. Mr Khandelwal is a prominent trade leader and contested the 2008 Delhi Assembly election from Chandni Chowk. "The party has made several mistakes on the strategy part and there are several reasons behind this.
The sole objective of the meeting was to ensure BJP’s victory in all the three municipal corporations," said a BJP veteran, who attended the meeting. Mr Arya is one the senior most leaders of the party and a councillor since 1997. Sources said that the party is making every possible effort to keep its traditional vote bank intact. A Delhi BJP leader said that these leaders were called in after it came to notice from different sources that the party’s campaign and strategy was not working in their favour as expected.K. The party has also decided to encash Mr Lovely’s popularity in East Delhi and among the Sikh community.Party insider claimed that these senior portable garden gazebos leaders were called up to discuss the poll strategy and Mr Sahasrabuddhe asked them to work to ensure the victory of the BJP in the civic polls.
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